Friday, 29 January 2010

Updated Controls

A quick post just to show the progress being made with Ed's facial controls.

New addtions include:
  • Squash and Stretch handles, which, believe it or not squash and stretch his face. I created them using four blends and a set driven key system. This will be really handy when we want to achieve sudden jelly like movments, for example the shock wake up, as we can now add aniticipation and exaggeration.
  • High & Low bound. A simple control which can alter the postion of the mouth on the face. Slide it up and it sits just beneath his eyeballs, slide it down and it almost reaches his neck! Perfect for the jaw drop.
  • Bulge Slider. Originally I wanted to include 3 blends to this set but struggled to figure out a triangles limitations. I decided to leave out the puffed cheeks and create a seperate control for them later on, meaning now when slid to the left or right his cheek puffs up accordingly. Used for pre-screams and anticopation i.e just before Ed explodes!
  • Finally I created a rather funky Extreme Scream driver. Simply pull down the jaw in the diagram of Ed and he performs the most extreme of the scream blendshapes. This one deseerved its own control.

1 comment:

  1. be careful of the high and low bound control as if pushed too far can cause stretching in your textures, s'all gd stuff tho x
