Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Ham n Cheesy

Easy shots are running out fast. In order to hit our weekly target of 3 animations per week I have had to nab possibly the easiest shots remaining, the bum shake, headphone boom, and floor polisher rev. These are all 2 second snippets of Jed, which when montaged together produce a rythmic reveal of the character.

First up my favourite, the bum shake. I animated this on Easter Sunday whilst munching on an egg and setting up my new PS3. . .

I know its ridiculously simple but it needed to be done well, and the buttocks required serious follow through and overlap! If it were up to me I would have exxagerated the boings even more but Phil has already complained about the obscene wobbles.

I then took a break from staring at Jeds rear and instead animated the pounding headphone on Monday. Again fairly easy, but it had to be timed perfectly to the music...

It was difficult to get it to recoil back to its original shape whilst vibrating, especially as I had extended it so far, however it got there in the end.

Finally today I gave the rev shot a crack. This was definately the hardest of the lot down to the fact that the polisher handle bar needed rigging and the handle itself needed twsiting. By lunch time I had finally achieved a bar that was ready to be revved and imported in with Jed, however when I attempted to clench his hand around the accelorator it wrapped around like bent paperclips on a lump of s***. This lead to me repainting the finger weights and starting over.

Eventually I set up the camera with the help of Phil and began animating. This is the work in progress...

Bearing in mind the sheer amount of 'mation' left to be done I may well leave it in this basic stage. we have bigger fish to fry.

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