Thursday 20 May 2010

Ed's Death

The hardest part of this shot so far has been the revolving floor polisher which slides into view. It needed to rotate as well as gently rock from side to side before grinding to a halt. I spent several hours trying different methods using the graph editor to its full potential however all of them seemed jerky and unatural. It wasn't until we watched this video of a spinning coin that we realised the base of the polisher never actual rests flat on the floor during its spinning...

Alec then suggested moving the pivot point to the edge of the base rather than the centre which prevented it from sinking into the floor. An obvious mistake but when your pressed for time these things escape you. Anyway eventually I got something I was happy with and then spent the afternoon animating Ed dying. Here is the progress so far....

Tommorow will be spent animating Jed sliding in 'risky business' style.

P.S 2 shots left!

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