Monday, 10 May 2010

Ritchie & Sounds

Tom Ritchie saved the day today as me and Alec failed to animate our allocated shots. He submitting shot 55, a hard scene in which jeds reels in the polisher wire. . .

I hope he doesn't mind but I thought it was worth posting to show the progress made. It's definately alot smoother than it used to be, and the timing is much better. It reached a point where he simply didnt have time to perfect it any more, and considering it's only seen for a couple of seconds we called it done. I've already assigned him a new shot which he's aiming to start tommorow.

Although Alec and I didnt animate today we did record the dialogue in the voice over booth - a task which involved a lot of running about and hiring of equipment. We spent the best part of the morning recording Ed (myself) and the afternoon Jed (Alec). We then burned them to disc and kept copies ready for our sound guru, John Solly, to edit. John is also sorting out all of the sound fx at the moment from a list I emailed him at the weekend. Hopefully when combined with the animatic sounds we will have an enormous library of sounds to choose from.

As well as this I made sure Simon was on form with rendering and gave him my improvment requests. He's been doing an absoultely brilliant job lately and has had the patience of a saint so once again cheers mate.

All in all an OK day with Dalli stepping in after lunch to give some advice and much appreciated criticism. I just hope the rest of the week is spent animating now....

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