Monday, 19 October 2009

Monday Matters

Above is the work I produced over the weekend. I painted the floor polisher concept I produced on friday in PS, which Im really happy with. I feel like I'm improving my shade and toning skills in PS rapidly. Im also beginning to develop my own unique style which is something Ive been after for a while now. I can colour in my designs fairly quickly now, and if I had a tablet I think I could paint them even quicker. A purchase is neccasary.

I also spent Sunday evening thumbnailing a few important shots I wish to include in the film. I used biro, and kept everything very loose and rough. Their main purpose was to help me describe the angles I want to the rest of the team today. I focused on specific parts of the film, such as the collapse, the moonwalk and spin.

I used them as reference this afternoon when thumbnailing with Alec. We managed to get a bit of a pace/rythem going as the tempo of the dancing and struggling is getting faster - faster cutting and more obscure angles. I'd say we're about 2/3 of the way through thumbnailing now, so thats good news.

We then had a meeting with Dave from Aardman, in which I had to update him on the progress of the film and talk him through decisions that have been made. I also had to pitch the thumbnails to him, and explain the shots which I actually really enjoyed for once. I was gaining laughter which as he said "is always a good thing". He was impressed with the gags and the way we'd planned out Jed's movements. He also pointed out that a clock or calender is vital if I want the reoccuring joke to make sense. Another suggestion was to have each scene within the film start on a positive and end on a negative. in other words, Ed attempts to make contact, nearly succeeds to get attention - then fails. The beats need to be consistant, postive, negative, positive, negative, very much so like "Oktapodi" which he disected this morning. It was a good session and he gave good solid advice. It seems as though we are heading in the right direction, we just need to continue working at this rate!

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